Today I want to share a wonderful story about love and how we as a community can get together to change an animal’s life.
Picture by Lise Atchley
Ping is a 4-years-old Pekinese. When he was younger he injured his spine but after a few weeks, he recovered. Then, last year he injured it again when jumping off a log. He was unable to use his back legs and was in discomfort. Eventually, he did recover a bit but he never gained use of his hind legs. For months, his owner tried to find a home for Ping. One that could better suit him with his mobility issue. Ping was living in Castlegar BC and there are limited resources in that area to help Ping. He really needed a neurologist but the closest one was at least an 8-hour drive away.
Ping’s owner was forced to move and the situation to find Ping new home became desperate. The owner needed to rehome Ping before he had to vacate his rental as he had not found a new place that could take Ping. If no home could be found for Ping, he would have to be euthanized.
One of the members of the Burnaby Pug Group took Ping into her home. She wasn’t looking for another dog much less a disabled one, but Ping was always on her mind and she couldn’t face the idea of him being euthanized simply due to a lack of a home.
She took Ping into her home on August 3rd, knowing she was his only hope and knowing he needed medical help. He was taken to the vet, Dr Adam Avatin at Small Paws animal hospital in Steveston, who mentioned Ping has potential. He can feel his hind legs and can move them. With some therapy and a consult with a neurologist, Ping has a chance at regaining some mobility and strength in his hind legs.
Ping is an adorable little guy. He enjoys a nice walk in his wheel cart. Loves to play a game of tug with his stuffed toys. He’s a pretty chill little dude that just loves to be with people. Everyone that meets him falls in love with him. He’s a gentle soul. He has fit right into her home with her other pugs and is loving his life.
Because he needs extensive medical care and a consult with a neurologist, I knew he will be needing funds to pay for this. So I contacted Lise and told her I wanted to help, so we started to plan a fundraising event on his name. Our wonderful friend Erika generously offered her home and we started to put all the pieces together. She was the most wonderful host! she beautifully decorated the space and set up a table with a Silent Auction. She offered drinks and appetizers for the attendees and the day, was full of happiness, love and hope.
I, of course, helped in the best way I could… Photographing dogs! I set up a photo booth and did studio pet portraits of the beautiful puggies by donation with all the proceeds going to Ping’s cause. Here are some of the dogs I photographed:
I want to say an enormous thank you to the members of the Burnaby Pug group for coming together and joining us for Ping’s fundraiser. The community has certainly rallied behind this little emperor on wheels. The support has been tremendous. This little rescued boy will now be able to get his medical treatment and hopefully regain some mobility. Rescue saves lives, in this case, it saved Ping.
Together we raised close to $700. This little emperor on wheels is now the peoples’ emperor!
We are super close of the goal, if you also want to help Ping please go to this link